Privacy Policy

“TEZJET LLC” respects Passenger privacy and takes its responsibilities in regards to the protection of Passenger personal data very seriously. Passenger can be rest assured that “TEZJET LLC” continuously takes steps to keep Passenger personal data secure and ensure it is used only for legitimate purposes.

This privacy policy will help Passenger understand what types of personal information, when and how “TEZJET LLC” collects, store and use. This policy may be amended any time without prior notice at “TEZJET LLC” discretion due to a business need or as required by law changes.

“TEZJET LLC” will never wilfully disclose personal information about Passenger to any third party other than to process Passenger order without first receiving Passenger permission or unless “TEZJET LLC” is under a legal obligation to do so.

Passenger can always enquire about or check the information that Passenger has given “TEZJET LLC” or request to delete all Passenger personal information by contacting “TEZJET LLC” at

Controller of Personal Data

Any personal information processed by “TEZJET LLC” in connection with this Privacy Policy is controlled by “TEZJET LLC”, which is considered the “data controller” of Passenger personal information under European Union and UK data protection law (General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679). Our address is “TEZJET LLC, Bld. 49A, M. Fuchik Str., Pervomay District, Bishkek City, Kyrgyz Republic - 720080”

Application of the Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to all personal information about Passenger that “TEZJET LLC” collects, use and process regarding Passenger relationship with “TEZJET LLC” as a passenger, frequent flyer program member or potential passenger, including when Passenger travel with “TEZJET LLC” or use “TEZJET LLC” services, visit and use “TEZJET LLC” websites or mobile applications, contact “TEZJET LLC” Contact Centre, book to use “TEZJET LLC” services through third parties (such as travel agents and other airlines) or otherwise interact with “TEZJET LLC”.

What Personal Data “TEZJET LLC” Collects

“TEZJET LLC” collects and uses Passenger personal information for the sole purpose of delivering Passenger the service Passenger have requested and enhancing the quality of it by offering Passenger the right product at the right time via the right channel.

Information “TEZJET LLC” may collect includes

Personal Information

Full name, gender, title, date of birth, nationality, country of residence, passport or other personal identification numbers, visa information, photographs, videos, voice recordings

Contact Information

Address, phone number, email address, company name, business location;

Payment Information

Credit or debit card information, including the name of cardholder, card number, issuing bank, billing address and expiry date. If Passenger buys tickets for someone else, “TEZJET LLC” may collect Passenger billing information but may communicate with the passenger directly about their flight;

Travel Information

Flight information, upgrades received, channel that Passenger used to book Passenger ticket (travel agent, website, etc.), dietary, seating or other service preferences, baggage requirements, travel companions; Passenger preferences with respect to Passenger travel on “TEZJET LLC” flights and any pre-purchased item;

Health Information

Medical records, health issues, or special service requests;

Sensitive Information

Dietary preferences that may allude to Passenger religious beliefs, medical records, health issues, racial or ethnic origin;

Technical Information

when Passenger visit “TEZJET LLC” websites or use one of “TEZJET LLC” apps, “TEZJET LLC” may register Passenger IP address, MAC address, browser type, operating system, referring website, web-browsing behaviour and app use; “TEZJET LLC” may receive an automatic notification when Passenger open a newsletter or click on a link in such newsletter; with Passenger permission “TEZJET LLC” may also receive Passenger location data; Passenger can also agree to provide “TEZJET LLC” with access to certain data stored on Passenger mobile phone (such as photos and contacts). For more information, please see below (cookies);

Communication Information

Passenger feedback and email correspondence with “TEZJET LLC” call centre, passenger relations, etc.

Social media Information

Depending on Passenger social network settings “TEZJET LLC” may receive information from Passenger social network provider. For example when Passenger signs in for “TEZJET LLC” services using a social network account, “TEZJET LLC” may receive Passenger social network profile including Passenger contact details, interests and contacts. For more information on the personal data that “TEZJET LLC” receives from Passenger social network provider and how to change Passenger settings, please check the website and privacy policy of Passenger social network provider;

Information Passenger choose to share with “TEZJET LLC”

Passenger may choose to share information with “TEZJET LLC”, for example when Passenger leave a comment for “TEZJET LLC” on Facebook, fill out a passenger survey or submit an entry for a contest.

Contact Information

Address, phone number, email address, company name, business location;

Payment Information

Credit or debit card information, including the name of cardholder, card number, issuing bank, billing address and expiry date. If Passenger buys tickets for someone else, “TEZJET LLC” may collect Passenger billing information but may communicate with the passenger directly about their flight;

Travel Information

Flight information, upgrades received, channel that Passenger used to book Passenger ticket (travel agent, website, etc.), dietary, seating or other service preferences, baggage requirements, travel companions; Passenger preferences with respect to Passenger travel on “TEZJET LLC” flights and any pre-purchased item;

Health Information

Medical records, health issues, or special service requests;

Sensitive Information

Dietary preferences that may allude to Passenger religious beliefs, medical records, health issues, racial or ethnic origin;

Technical Information

When Passenger visit “TEZJET LLC” websites or use one of “TEZJET LLC” apps, “TEZJET LLC” may register Passenger IP address, MAC address, browser type, operating system, referring website, web-browsing behaviour and app use; “TEZJET LLC” may receive an automatic notification when Passenger open a newsletter or click on a link in such newsletter; with Passenger permission “TEZJET LLC” may also receive Passenger location data; Passenger can also agree to provide “TEZJET LLC” with access to certain data stored on Passenger mobile phone (such as photos and contacts). For more information, please see below (cookies);

Communication Information

Passenger feedback and email correspondence with “TEZJET LLC” call centre, passenger relations, etc.

Social media Information

Depending on Passenger social network settings “TEZJET LLC” may receive information from Passenger social network provider. For example when Passenger signs in for “TEZJET LLC” services using a social network account, “TEZJET LLC” may receive Passenger social network profile including Passenger contact details, interests and contacts. For more information on the personal data that “TEZJET LLC” receives from Passenger social network provider and how to change Passenger settings, please check the website and privacy policy of Passenger social network provider;

Information Passenger choose to share with “TEZJET LLC”

Passenger may choose to share information with “TEZJET LLC”, for example when Passenger leave a comment for “TEZJET LLC” on Facebook, fill out a passenger survey or submit an entry for a contest.

Employment information

If Passenger are an employee travelling or obtaining other products or services in relation to one of “TEZJET LLC” corporate, business or government clients, “TEZJET LLC” may also collect information about Passenger role with the client, Passenger employment type, Passenger employee number, Passenger start date with the client and details of any employer paid travel arrangement;

Statistical information

number of passengers flown, web usage data, the website Passenger come from, internet banner advertisements and links which appear on “TEZJET LLC” marketing partners’ websites, Passenger searches and the content Passenger have viewed on “TEZJET LLC” website. This information will only be aggregated for statistical analysis so that “TEZJET LLC” can better understand “TEZJET LLC” passenger profile, personalize Passenger information and improve the service offering.

The failure to supply personal data may result in 1) “TEZJET LLC” being unable to provide Passenger with the services and/or products requested; 2) “TEZJET LLC” being unable to update Passenger on “TEZJET LLC” latest products and/or launches; and/or 3) Passenger inability to enter or participate in contests, promotions or redemption activities organised by “TEZJET LLC”.

For specific services, apps or events, “TEZJET LLC” may collect other types of data and use such data for different purposes than described in this privacy policy. “TEZJET LLC” will inform Passenger about this when Passenger register for a service or an event or download an app.

How “TEZJET LLC” Collect Passenger Personal Data

“TEZJET LLC” may collect personal information about Passenger when/if Passenger
  • a) Book or search for a flight or other products or services on “TEZJET LLC” website, mobile app/s or “TEZJET LLC” other sales channels, such as through a travel agent;
  • b) Use “TEZJET LLC” services or purchase “TEZJET LLC” goods;
  • c) Register to receive “TEZJET LLC” newsletters or other communications, opt-in for push- or in-app notifications in “TEZJET LLC” mobile app/s;
  • d) Sign up on “TEZJET LLC” website;
  • e) Tell “TEZJET LLC” about Passenger preferences when flying with “TEZJET LLC”;
  • f) Fill out medical and other forms associated with Passenger travel, such as medical
  • clearance, claim or unaccompanied minor forms, etc.
  • g) Enter into one of “TEZJET LLC” competitions or promotions;
  • h) Contact “TEZJET LLC” Contact Centre
  • i) Travel with “TEZJET LLC”, use airports where “TEZJET LLC” operate and use “TEZJET LLC” lounge facilities;
  • j) Complete one of “TEZJET LLC” surveys or otherwise provide feedback or interact with “TEZJET LLC” via including but not limited to “TEZJET LLC” social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Vkontakte, Telegram or Twitter;

Whom We May Collect Passenger Personal Data from

As well as collecting information directly from Passenger or from Passenger authorized representatives (i.e. persons whom Passenger have authorized or Passenger authorized representative pursuant to “TEZJET LLC” then-current security procedures), there may be occasions when “TEZJET LLC” collect information about Passenger from a third party. These third parties may include

Travel agents and other people who make or update travel bookings on Passenger behalf, or otherwise interact with “TEZJET LLC” on Passenger behalf; this can be a family member, travel or sales agents, Passenger employer or other representative as part of a corporate or group booking;

Our service providers and contractors (such as ground handlers, cargo handlers, agencies, data analytics and market research providers, sales agencies, payment fulfilment and fraud protection providers);

Third parties that run competitions and other promotions on “TEZJET LLC” behalf or for which “TEZJET LLC” are the sponsor;

Companies involved in Passenger travel, including airlines involved in Passenger journey, relevant airport operators, immigration, customs, border security and other regulatory authorities, etc.;

Our airline and non-airline partners, including travel insurance providers, car rental, transfer providers, hotels, including those that participate in “TEZJET LLC” frequent flyer program and other passenger programs; Recruitment agencies and previous employers, if Passenger have applied for a job with “TEZJET LLC” and provided Passenger consent.

Why We Need Passenger Personal Data

“TEZJET LLC” will only process Passenger personal data where “TEZJET LLC” has a legal, contract basis and/or Passenger explicit consent to do so. Our legitimate interest as an airline is to use Passenger personal data to operate and enhance the quality of “TEZJET LLC” service as an airline and travel provider.

We need Passenger personal data to

Fulfil “TEZJET LLC” agreement with Passenger, including providing services to Passenger such as processing a transaction (e.g., making a booking, sending Passenger itinerary), providing technical assistance, assisting Passenger in the transaction, providing SMS notifications or flight alert messages through mobile app/s, facilitating web check-in and self-check-in and responding to Passenger enquiries or requests;

  • a) Provide airport services such as processing information relating to connecting flights, arrangements at airports, and customs and immigration facilities;
  • b) Provide baggage related services such as processing of any baggage related queries, including mishandled or missing baggage claims;
  • c) Provide in-flight catering and other services that best meet Passenger preferences and needs which “TEZJET LLC” may collect during “TEZJET LLC” interactions with Passenger);
  • d) Administer any contest or promotional offer Passenger may enter into and notify in case Passenger win;
  • e) Market and communicate with Passenger in relation to products and services offered by “TEZJET LLC”;
  • f) Contact Passenger for product or passenger satisfaction surveys;
  • g) To improve “TEZJET LLC” services and personalize Passenger travel experiencethrough research and analytics, including market research;
  • h) For safety, security and legal compliance;
  • i) For crime prevention and detection

If Passenger is booking a flight on behalf of someone else, Passenger must obtain their consent to use their personal information.

If processing of Passenger data is subject to any other laws, then the basis of processing Passenger data may be different to that set out above and in those circumstances be based on Passenger consent in all cases.

How Passenger Can Control Passenger Personal Data

Passenger can request access, amendment, update, transfer or erasure of Passenger personal data, or object to its use and processing at any time, unless Passenger request contradicts with the law, by sending a written request, accompanied by a copy of Passenger proof of identity to the address specified in the Contact section of this Privacy Policy.

Whom We May Share Passenger Personal Data With

In order to facilitate Passenger travel arrangements, “TEZJET LLC” will often need to share Passenger personal information with third parties including

  • a) Other airlines (codeshare and interline partners);
  • b) Airport and airport lounge operators, ground handling services;
  • c) In response to a valid, legal request from various law enforcement agencies, regulatory authorities and governments around the world and their service providers for security, customs and immigration purposes and to comply with “TEZJET LLC” legal obligations;
  • d) Travel agents involved in making Passenger travel arrangements;
  • e) Our frequent flyer program partners so that “TEZJET LLC” can administer the benefits of the frequent flyer program to Passenger;
  • f) Third parties who deliver services either to Passenger or to “TEZJET LLC”, such as companies that provide transfer assistance, billing services, catering services;
  • g) Companies, who conduct market research and analysis, provide marketing services or run passenger surveys on “TEZJET LLC” behalf;
  • h) Companies who provide information technology services such as airline related systems, data storage, distribution services, passenger booking and processing systems, communication networks, software and system development, maintenance and support, and information processing, analysis and reporting;
  • i) Companies, who provide services in the course of investigating a complaint or a security incident, Police and regulatory authorities, to protect “TEZJET LLC” rights, property, or the safety of “TEZJET LLC” passengers, staff and assets;
  • j) If Passenger are an employee of one of “TEZJET LLC” corporate, business or government clients and are travelling for work purposes on a ticket purchased by Passenger employer, “TEZJET LLC” may also disclose Passenger travel details and any information associated with Passenger travel (such as incident reports) to Passenger employer;
  • k) Credit and charge card companies, credit reference agencies and anti-fraud screening service providers to process payments and (where necessary) to carry out fraud-screening;
  • l) Third parties, such as law firms and law courts, to enforce or apply any contract with Passenger;
  • m) “TEZJET LLC” may provide usage information (but not Passenger personal details) to other websites so that they know that Passenger has visited “TEZJET LLC” websites.
  • n) “TEZJET LLC” does not sell personal information to third parties.

How “TEZJET LLC” Store Passenger Personal Data

“TEZJET LLC” holds Passenger personal information in electronic files and use third party information system providers who may have access to Passenger personal information.

“TEZJET LLC” will retain Passenger personal data for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected, the legal or business purposes of “TEZJET LLC”, or as required by relevant laws.

At any time Passenger may contact “TEZJET LLC” at to have Passenger personal data withdrawn from “TEZJET LLC” storage completely.

When destroying Passenger personal data, “TEZJET LLC” will take commercially reasonable and technically possible measures to make it irrecoverable or irreproducible in accordance with the applicable laws.

How “TEZJET LLC” Protect Passenger Personal Data

“TEZJET LLC” takes necessary technical and organizational measures for the protection of the data “TEZJET LLC” hold about Passenger against wrongful access, accidental or deliberate manipulation, disclosing or destruction. This includes internal check of processes of gathering, storage and data processing and security measures, and also measures on maintenance of physical safety of the data for prevention of wrongful access to systems in which “TEZJET LLC” stores the personal data. Our security measures are being improved continuously as new technology develops.

“TEZJET LLC” gives access to the personal data only those workers, contractors and agents of “TEZJET LLC” whom this information is necessary for operation, development and improvement of “TEZJET LLC” services. These persons are contractually obliged to maintain the confidentiality of this information.

If Passenger browser does not support TLS 1.2, “TEZJET LLC” recommend Passenger to update to the latest version of any browser to improve the security of transactions, otherwise the transmission of Passenger personal information may not be protected and “TEZJET LLC” disclaims any responsibility in this regard.

How Passenger Can Keep Passenger Personal Data Safe and Secure

By keeping Passenger booking reference confidential.

When Passenger makes a booking, Passenger will be given a booking reference (a PNR, Passenger Name Record) and/or a ticket number. This will appear on the email confirmation or ticket of each person in Passenger booking. Passenger should keep Passenger booking reference confidential at all times.

If Passenger are traveling with others and would not like Passenger individual booking details to be accessible by them, Passenger may prefer to have each person make separate bookings, to be paid for individually.

To make sure Passenger access to “TEZJET LLC” website and mobile app/s is secure, “TEZJET LLC” recommends that Passenger avoid sharing or communicating passwords to others. When Passenger finish using “TEZJET LLC” website and mobile app/s and/or Passenger social media accounts (especially if these accounts are linked together) Passenger should log out if others are able to access Passenger computer or device, and especially when using a public device to access the web. This way, other users will not be able to access Passenger personal data.

Be aware of and protect Passenger self against Internet fraud and “phishing.”

There is an Internet fraud practice known as "phishing" which is the illegal gathering of personal information by deception. Unsolicited emails are sent to individuals from lists illegally gathered by a third party, and recipients are asked to enter or reconfirm bank or password details into a "cloned" or illegal copy web site.

Cookie Policy

By using “TEZJET LLC” website and “TEZJET LLC” mobile app/s, Passenger agree that “TEZJET LLC” can place cookies on Passenger device and store and access cookies, IP addresses and use other methods in order to collect website usage data, and enhance Passenger online experience.

This can include information about Passenger use of the website, the browser and device type Passenger are accessing it from and where Passenger are in the world.

By visiting and using “TEZJET LLC” website Passenger agree that “TEZJET LLC” places cookies on Passenger device.

What Is a Cookie?

A cookie is a small piece of information sent from a website that Passenger visit or certain emails Passenger open and temporarily stored in Passenger web browser or the hard drive of Passenger device. The browser then returns the cookie to the server the next time the page is referenced. Cookies allow a website to customize a visit and give Passenger a better user experience when Passenger returns to the website.

“TEZJET LLC” website uses cookies for collecting information about how visitors use “TEZJET LLC” website, for remembering visitor preferences (e.g., country, language), and visitor profiling for retargeting/remarketing purposes.

How to Delete and Block Our Cookies?

Passenger block cookies by activating the setting on Passenger browser that allows Passenger to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. However, if Passenger uses Passenger browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) Passenger may not be able to access all or parts of “TEZJET LLC” website.

Unless Passenger have adjusted Passenger browser setting so that it will refuse cookies, “TEZJET LLC” system will issue cookies as soon Passenger visit “TEZJET LLC” website. Turning off or deleting cookies will not prevent device identification and related data collection from occurring.

How to Turn Cookies off?

Internet browsers allow Passenger to change Passenger cookie settings. These settings are usually found in the 'options' or 'preferences' menu of Passenger internet browser. In order to understand these settings, the following links may be helpful. Otherwise Passenger should use the 'Help' option in Passenger internet browser for more details.

Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Chrome
Cookie settings in Safari

Links to other websites

“TEZJET LLC” website may contain links to other websites for Passenger convenience and information. Passenger access these websites at Passenger own risk and “TEZJET LLC” is not responsible for these websites. Whilst “TEZJET LLC” will protect Passenger personal data on “TEZJET LLC” website and mobile app/s, “TEZJET LLC” cannot control or be responsible for the policies of other sites “TEZJET LLC” may link to, or the use of any personal data Passenger may share with them. Please note that this Privacy policy does not cover these other websites, and “TEZJET LLC” highly recommends that Passenger get familiarized with their specific policies.

Email services

When Passenger subscribe to receiving communications as “TEZJET LLC” electronic newsletter, Passenger are giving “TEZJET LLC” permission to use Passenger email address for sending Passenger the newsletter, and other mail such as surveys and news about special offers.

If Passenger wish to retract Passenger permission for “TEZJET LLC” and do not want to receive information by email, Passenger can do so any time by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of the email.


Due to the nature of “TEZJET LLC” services, “TEZJET LLC” may collect travel information, which may include personal information, about children when it is required to comply with the law, including local aviation or security regulations, or as otherwise required to provide transportation needs and services. “TEZJET LLC” may retain personal information when required to provide transportation and related services to a child. “TEZJET LLC” does not knowingly collect personal information directly from children – persons under the age of 18, or another age according to applicable law – other than when required to comply with the law or for safety and security reasons.

“TEZJET LLC” cannot distinguish the age of persons who access and use its website and mobile app/s. If Passenger are a parent or guardian of a minor (according to applicable laws) who has provided “TEZJET LLC” with personal data without Passenger knowledge and consent, Passenger should contact “TEZJET LLC” at to remove the relevant personal data.